Lacàph bar Upstairs at 151 Đồng Khởi, Bến Nghé Ward, District 1, Hồ Chí Minh City

Lacàph Bar

Lacàph Bar has a more extensive menu than Lacàph Space, and is where you can try the full selection of Lacàph coffees, teas and ready-to-drink products.You can also try our special release limited editions.

Drinks at Lacàph Bar are made from our Signature Filter, Espresso and Phin blends, as well as our ready-to-drink Cold Brew and Cold Steeped Cascara. It’s a place to grab a quick espresso on the go, sit for a moment longer and enjoy an iced macchiato, or sip on a refreshing glass of cold steep cascara.

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Opening hours

Daily 9:00–17:00

Lacàph Space 1

Lacàph Space

If you’re curious about Vietnamese coffee, come and visit us at Lacàph Space to learn more. We’ll introduce you to our Lacàph Signature Blends, share the stories of their beans, the people who transport them from our partner farms into your cup, and the interwoven relationship Vietnam has with coffee.

Learn more